5 Areas Every Man Should Wax

Convincing the man in your life that he should ditch the razor and try waxing may not be an easy task. Some men look at the act of getting professional hair removal as a measurement of their masculinity, while others fear the idea of pain and discomfort that they've heard is associated with getting a wax. Neither is true and while the former is tougher to address, the latter is an easy hair removal myth to bust. Especially when that wax is coming from the trained Wax Pros at Depil Brazil. Waxing is a great way to get rid of unwanted hair from any part of the face and body without having to worry about embarrassing stubble, irritation, bumps, or ingrown hairs. With waxing you can enjoy soft, smooth, supple skin for longer periods of time.

At Depil Brazil we want ALL identifying men to know that there is a better way to maintain their manscape than shaving every two days. We offer a wide range of hair removal services to help elevate their body hair maintenance routine. We invite you to experience a TRUE Brazilian wax service and enjoy all of the amazing skin benefits that come with body hair removal with wax.

For guys that are wondering what parts of their bodies that can be waxed, well, that's really up to you! The most common areas of men's hair removal are shoulders, back, armpits, stomach, and the private region. It doesn't have to stop there, though, men also enjoy waxing their arms, legs, nose and ear hair, and every other place on the body that hair grows.

The possibilities are endless. Men should consider body waxing as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle and regular body care routine. Waxing these areas will also have a significant impact on your appearance outward and your self-esteem. Let's look at a few of the areas you should book for your first, or next, wax!


Men who have tried it, rave about the look, feel, and perks of taking it all off in their most intimate areas. If you've ever felt that your nether region was unruly, itchy, and hard to manage, it's a good time to have it waxed. A Brazilian wax, or "bro-zilian" wax, applies to men as well and it makes it very easy to strip away unwanted hair down there, and makes for more hygenic, manageable grooming habits. Waxing leaves you feeling free, clean, and confident. It's understandable for a first timer to be nervous or feel embarrassed about their first Brazilian wax, but the Wax Pros at Depil Brazil are true professionals who have years of experience with proper intimate wax care. So you can feel relaxed and assured that your bush is in the best hands. One huge benefit of waxing is that it can slow down hair growth, too. So instead of reaching for a razor for your face, chest, or "down there", waxing can slow down hair growth, giving you more time to focus on other priorities in your grooming routine.


The thickest hair grows on the back, and chest. This can especially be annoying for men who are active, those who are stylish, or simply those who find the hair itchy, and unsightly. One of the biggest concerns with body hair is that it traps odors and builds up debris from sweat, fragrances, and other environmental issues. With waxing, all of your worries are stripped away, leaving you with butter soft skin on your chest, midsection, and especially your back. Waxing also rejuvenates skin by removing dead skin cells, indirectly exfoliating your skin leaving you with a radiant glow all over. Another benefit of waxing your back is that it makes your tattoo ink more visible and not hidden behind hair, and also makes your muscle standout and look even more pronounced, boosting your confidence levels in anything you wear, or even when you choose to lose the shirt and go bare.


Ear hair happens to us all, but as we get older, it can become thicker and coarser. Hair sprouting out from your ears can not only interfere with your ability to hear at your best, but it is also unsightly, and can embarrassingly attract unwanted attention. Trying to tweeze the tufts from your ears is painful, time consuming, and just doesn't get the job done. You need to wax to ensure no hair is left behind. Minimising unwanted ear hair growth has become a grooming norm for most men who prefer to go fuzz-free. Waxing the hair off instead will provide better results. The professional Wax Pros swiftly and efficiently remove hair from the outside of the ear and the inside in one session making it the easiest, fastest, and most comfortable way to reduce ear hair.


Eyebrow waxing isn't just for women, men can benefit as well – in fact, they may even benefit more from it. On average, a male's eyebrows grow at twice the rate and length compared to female eyebrows. The middle area will also grow at a faster pace and can appear thicker with males. So, whether your eyebrows are too thick, unbalanced, or you want to even out the unibrow at the bridge of your nose, waxing is the way to go. Eyebrow waxing enhances and emphasizes the shape of your brow and the depth of your eyes. When groomed properly, a good set of eyebrows can make all the difference. Eyebrow waxing is a quick, efficient way of maintaining the look of your eyebrows, and for men, that can mean keeping them from being unruly, or making them appear unhygienic. With consistent eyebrow hair removal, it will make your brows easier to maintain, and grow slower and with fewer strands than before.


Midsection waxing removes the hair from the entire abdomen section. Men produce thick coats of hair from their groin that climb up to their abdomen. It often gathers below the belly button and will grow longer along the line. This is typically known as a “happy trail” and tends to stand out more than the rest of the stomach hairs. Removing this is a great way to clean up the area on the stomach. A lot of men also get this service done if they get their chest waxed. This way their whole front side is nice and smooth compared to only half of it being hairless. A clean midsection will look more attractive when the shirt is removed.

It’s the best way to get rid of hair in these or other areas to help cultivate better grooming and hygiene habits. By taking the time to take care of your body and making sure you feel good about how you present yourself, you are expressing to others that you clearly value yourself. Feeling comfortable in your own skin is an incredibly important step in helping to maintain your overall self-esteem and mental health.

At Depil Brazil Waxing, our experienced, knowledgeable, and trained wax pros are here to make your first, or next, wax as comfortable as possible and provide you with the best experience for your first visit. Book your appointment online now and get your first wax FREE at any of our studios around the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

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